If you don't see a Terminal Time event listed at a city near you: Contact your local screening and exhibition venues and DEMAND that they bring you the history you deserve. 

March 14, 2003.
Orlando, FL  USA.

August 3, 2002 through February 2003.
Wellington, New Zealand.
St@rt_Up--New Interactive Media
Te Papa Museum.

July 26, 2002.
Sydney, Australia
Powerhouse Museum

December 28 or 29, 2001.
New Orleans, LA.  USA
Zeitgeist Performance Space

December 3, 2001.
Buffalo, NY. USA.
College of Arts and Sciences Lecture Series, 8:00 PM
Center for the Arts
University at Buffalo

November 16, 2001.
Troy, NY. USA.
Digital Flaherty Seminar & Renssalaer iEAR presentation
Location: TBA

November 3, 2001.
Pittsburgh, PA. USA.
Media/Tonic: 30th Anniversity Event for Pittsburgh Filmmakers
Location: Melwood Screening Room

June 3, 2001.
Pittsburgh, PA
ReWriting Landscapes: Imagination and the Urban Environment
Chatham College

November 4, 2000.
New York, NY. USA.
Digital Salon, 
School of Visual Arts.

October 1, 2000.
Pittsburgh, PA. USA
Beyond Good and Evil:  One Hundred Years of Mass Culture
Carnegie Mellon University.

September __ (TBD), 2000.
Pittsburgh, PA. USA.
Miller Gallery, 
Carnegie Mellon University.

July 26 & 27, 2000.
New Orleans, LA. USA.
SIGGRAPH 2000.  4:00 PM
New Orleans Convention Center

March 6, 2000.
Boston, MA. USA.
Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 4:00 PM.

March 1, 2000.
Chicago, IL. USA.
Northwestern University.

January 29, 2000.
Los Angeles, CA. USA.
Santa Fe Arts Colony. 8:00 PM

January 28, 2000.
Los Angeles, CA. USA.
USC School of Fine Arts, Art in Motion Festival.

December 3, 1999. 
Pittsburgh, PA. USA. 
The Andy Warhol Museum,  7:00 PM.

November 9, 1999, 
Pittsburgh, PA. USA. 
Film Kitchen of the Three Rivers Film Festival,
Pittsburgh Filmmakers, Melwood Screening Room.  8:00 PM.

November 6, 1999.
Cape Cod, MA. USA.
American Association of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) fall symposium on Narrative Intelligence. 

November 5, 1999.
Minneapolis, MN USA. 
Sonic Circuits, the Walker Art Center presents Terminal Time at the Landmark Theater.

November 1, 1999
Pittsburgh, PA. USA. 
Chatham College, Beckwith Hall.   6:30 PM.

October 30, 1999. 
Buffalo, NY. USA.
Cornershop screening room.  8:00 PM.

September 25, 1999
Washington, DC. USA.
International Conference on Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums.

Sept 16, 1999. 
Pittsburgh, PA. USA.
Wats:on Festival,Carnegie Mellon University, Mcconomy auditorium. 2:30 PM.

September 15, 1999. 
Pittsburgh, PA. USA.
Carnegie Museum of Art
US Premiere of Terminal Time!   8 PM.

July 20, 1999. 
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
International Premiere of Terminal Time!
Annual Conference of the Society for Media Religion and Culture, University of Edinburgh's Great Hall of Knowledge.